E. O. Wilson & Complexity

Wilson Speaks on Complexity The first thing that must be said of Edward O. Wilson is that he is a gentleman. Not that he is one of the world’s greatest living scientists (which he is), nor that he has twice won the Pulitzer Prize (which he has); nor even that he founded the field of science that is sociobiology (which he did). What is most striking about the man is his humility, his humanity. This is significant, not [...]

Dangerous New Weather Systems

Clouds of Fire Generate Dangerous New Weather Systems The intense and boundless fires that have already devoured nearly 18 millions of acres of Australia are generating their own distinctive weather systems that spin off dangerous new storms and spread the inferno. Gigantic blazes are sending columns of smoke as high as 30 miles above the earth, according to the Australian government Bureau of Meteorology, triggering electrical storms, as well as dry lightening and high winds that spread burning embers [...]

Not All Rules are the Same

A recent discussion on LinkedIn in the Harvard Business Review Group asked, “Wouldn't it be great if managing a team was as easy as herding sheep?” Several comments opposed the comparison of people to sheep but there are important insights for influencing pattern-based change in teams and organizations through understanding the self-organizing behaviors that arise from the interaction of individual agents (birds, bees and humans) when they adhere to a set of Simple Rules. The concept of simple rules is [...]

Complexity Matters: A Re-Introduction to Complexity

"Scientific knowledge, originally seen to make possible the prediction and manipulation of nature, appears now to be pointing us toward a new relationship with the natural world based on sensitive observation and participation, rather than control." Brian Goodwin During 2018, Plexus Institute’s Thursday Complexity Matters posts will continue to offer stories, new thinking, research and practices related to complexity in action. And, we will also be sharing fundamentals of "complexity" by reviewing the language, distinctions and metaphors that define complexity. [...]

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