Plexus Institute’s strives to share the knowledge and expertise necessary to to link “real life” experiences to the understanding, advancement and diffusion of ideas and practices rooted in the principles of complexity. Accepting the implications of complexity in human systems means giving up the comfort of defined outcomes and using a different perspective to design, develop and launch projects that change the status quo.


Sharing relevant knowledge and insights, from formal and informal conversations to the publication of research, papers and stories focused on applied principles of complexity across the professional, scientific and academic fields, encourages learning about complexity.

For over 20 years Plexus Institute has been hosting formal and informal conversations and publishing research, papers and stories focused on applied principles of complexity across the professional, scientific and academic fields.  Sharing relevant knowledge and insights encourages learning about complexity while fostering critical new conversations, new stories and new knowledge.

Explore our libraries for insights to the understanding, advancement and diffusion of ideas and practices rooted in the principles of complexity.

Engaging complexity at Plexus Institute emerged from the informal and formal network conversations, collaborations and member driven activities that explored and applied concepts of complexity to the challenges and opportunities in organizational systems. The diversity of thinking across the professional, scientific and academic fields distinguished the Plexus network from other professional groups.


The World Health Organization designated 2020 the Year of the Nurse and Midwife, in honor of the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. Throughout the year, Plexus will be hosting a series of online discussions about complexity and the future of nursing science and practice.

The Nursing Science & Complexity Series features conversations with nursing professionals, leading practitioners and researchers who are exploring how complexity is influencing the understanding, diversity and impact of nursing science.

A series of original episodes were recorded in 2012-2013 and available in the PlexusCalls Nursing Network Archived Podcast.

Beginning in 2006, Plexus recorded hundreds of  PlexusCalls, followed by the Nursing & Complexity Learning Network Podcast (2012 – 2013)  and the Healthcare Podcast (2014 – 2016).

In 2020 this Plexus tradition continues with three new podcast series that focus on complexity thinking in today’s social, organizational, institutional, technical and economic ecosystems.

Listen to Current Podcasts

Catalyzing Conversations Podcast

Catalyzing Conversations


ComPlexus Podcast



Nursing Science & Complexity Podcast

Nursing Science & Complexity


Sharing stories about how organizational leaders and complexity thinkers engage in and demonstrate practical applications of complexity in their work can help others across any field address complexity in their own systems. Plexus Institute continues to publish a wide range of content, from short posts to more in-dept papers, which offer new opportunities for engaging with how the principles of complexity and complex adaptive (human) systems influence the environments in which we live and work. Recently published Catalyzing Stories present the author’s diverse experiences and reflections of how the implications of complexity changed outcomes in their work and thinking.