A Personal Journey to Complexity Thinking – Part 3

A Personal Journey to Complexity Thinking - Part 3 Over the past twenty years Plexus Institute has provided a network platform for members to share their work and ideas about how the understanding, application and learning from complexity science impacts organizations and people. A wide variety of projects, research, models and practitioners’ experiences have offered a way for the community to engage with and gain valuable knowledge for applying complexity thinking to our most pressing challenges. This is [...]

2020-07-09T15:09:50-04:00Healthcare, Nursing Science|

A Personal Journey to Complexity Thinking – Part 2

A Personal Journey to Complexity Thinking - Part 2 Over the past twenty years Plexus Institute has provided a network platform for members to share their work and ideas about how the understanding, application and learning from complexity science impacts organizations and people. A wide variety of projects, research, models and practitioners’ experiences have offered a way for the community to engage with and gain valuable knowledge for applying complexity thinking to our most pressing challenges. This is [...]

2020-07-09T15:09:02-04:00Healthcare, Nursing Science|

Casting a Wide Net

A Scoping Review of Complexity Science in Nursing One of the things that complexity theory has taught me, is the value of looking at complex systems from a variety of perspectives. The article reviewed here, A Scoping Review of Complexity Science in Nursing, online ahead of press in the June issue of the Journal of Advanced Nursing, takes a very broad view of the use of complexity science in nursing literature and so naturally includes a variety of [...]

A Personal Journey to Complexity – Part 1

A Personal Journey to Complexity Thinking - Part 1 Over the past twenty years Plexus Institute has provided a network platform for members to share their work and ideas about how the understanding, application and learning from complexity science impacts organizations and people. A wide variety of projects, research, models and practitioners’ experiences have offered a way for the community to engage with and gain valuable knowledge for applying complexity thinking to our most pressing challenges. This is [...]

2020-07-13T13:23:31-04:00Healthcare, Nursing Science|

Big Data on the Menu

Understanding the Complexity of Your Diet When I was a diabetes nurse, the first question I would invariably get from a new client was, “What can I eat and what can’t I eat”. It was also the question I most hated because it was so complicated. We are both blessed and cursed that supermarkets have forty to fifty thousand different things we might eat and none of it will either guarantee health or kill us immediately. What we [...]

Nursing, Complexity and the Science of Compassion 

Ten years ago Plexus Institute published a groundbreaking book on the highly complex profession of nursing, On the Edge: Nursing in the Age of Complexity. This book presented the first comprehensive examination of topical nursing issues from a Complexity Science perspective. Complexity Science scholars and nurse leaders explored key Complexity Science principles and the profound implications they hold for clinical practice, leadership, nursing theory development, research, policy making, and understanding human physiology. The pace of change in the practice of [...]

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