Adaptive Positive Deviance is a powerful way to make big improvements through small (and maybe a few large) changes. 

For over a decade,  Plexus Institute has helped guide organizations and communities to see, understand and address the “sticky” and complex issues hampering success. Plexus’s work emphasizes practical methods and practices that are based on principles of complexity to disrupt the status quo and find solutions.

Adaptive Positive Deviance (APD)

The  Adaptive Positive Deviance framework is a powerful Catalyst to help leaders and change agents cultivate the uncommon yet successful ideas and behaviors in their own organizations and uncover solutions that already exist. Within any community there are individuals, who are the progenitors of these solutions, are called “positive deviants.” Ultimately, the APD practice enables changes in an organization’s environment (i.e., its culture), such that even in the absence of a positive deviant, the community is primed for a sustainable solution to emerge, organize, and spread.

Look for the new book on APD in late 2017!