Jan 23 2015 Death by Distrust: Rumor and Reality in Fighting Ebola
Guests: Helen Epstein and John Townsend

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Jan 9 2015 Strategies for Adaptive Leadership and Innovation
Guests: Charlie Garland and Daniel Pesut

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Dec 12 2014 Statistics, Decisions and Baseball
Guests: Pasky Pascual and Chad Sarchio

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Nov 21 2014 Evaluation, Organizational Development and Narrative: A Complex Trio
Guests: Michael Quinn Patton and Alan Barstow

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Nov 7 2014 Stories with a Technological Assist
Guests: Dave Snowden, Barrett Horne, and Bruce Waltuck

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Oct 10 2014 Commonplace Books and the Art of Synthesis
Guests: Laura Gardner, Victoria Ward, and Sharon Benjamin

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Sep 26 2014 Sensemaking: A Springboard to Action
Guests: Nancy Dixon and Bruce Waltuck

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Sep 12 2014 Stories: The Art, Mechanics and Meaning
Guests: Kelly Cresap and Judah Pollack

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Aug 22 2014 Quality Childhood Programs Boost Adult Health
Guests: Gabriella Conti and Ruth Perry

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Aug 15 2014 Deconstructing Disruption
Guests: Peter Jones, David Hurst and John Kenagy

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Aug 8 2014 Caring Science, Food and Health in Cameroon
Guests: John Nelson and Relindis Moffor

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Aug 1 2014 Making Better Meetings
Guests: Richard Axelrod, Emily Axelrod, Barbara Bunker

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Jul 11 2014 Workplaces of the Future
Guests: Thomas Lockwood, Robert Peck and Sharon Benjamin

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Jun 27 2014 The Growing Crisis in Cancer Care
Guests: Jimmy Lin, William Maples, Noah Zanville and Trish Silber
67 downloads as of Oct 8 2014

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Jun 13 2014 Philadelphia Schools in an Changing Terrain
Guests: Abigail Perkiss and Susan DeJarnatt

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May 23 2014 Improvement, Innovation and Lean
Guests: Paul Plsek and Daniel Pesut

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May 9 2014 Creating Change with Liberating Structures
Guests: Henri Lipmanowicz and Liz Rykert

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Apr 25 2014 Mentoring Military Women
Guests: Heather Gunther, Michelle Alderson and Lisa Kimball

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Mar 28 2014 Designing Healthcare
Guests: Peter Jones and Liz Rykert

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Mar 14 2014 The Emergence of African Rural University and Education in Uganda, South Africa and Detroit
Guests: Patricia Seybold and Carol Gorelick

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Feb 28 2014 Innovative Scientist Empowers Patients Battling Rare Diseases
Guests: Jimmy Lin and Trish Silber

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Feb 14 2014 Peer to Peer Leadership and New Networks
Guests: Mila Baker and Rod Collins

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Jan 24 2014 Teamwork in Health Care
Guests: James Begun, Gordon Mosser, and Daniel Pesut

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Jan 10 2014 Citizens, Community and Education in South Africa
Guests: Louise van Rhyn and Lisa Kimball

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Dec 13 2013 Innovation and Resilience in Leadership
Guests: Martha Johnson and Sharon Benjamin

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Nov 22 2013 The Oscillating Narrative and Resilience in Children
Guests: Robyn Fivush and Bruce Feiler

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Nov 8 2013 Building Social Connections and Networks Among the Elderly
Guests: Christine Costello, Elizabeth Stephanski and Lisa Kimball

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Oct 25 2013 Buildings Designed for Beauty, Life and Work
Guests: Robert Peck, Thomas Lockwood and Sharon Benjamin

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Oct 4 2013 High Intensity Exercise
Guests: Chris Jordan, Robert Lindberg, and Elizabeth Ciemins

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Sep 27 2013 Storytelling for Leaders, Organization and Communities
Guests: Thaler Pekar, Bruce Waltuck, and Barbara Ganley

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Sep 13 2013 Forecast: Weather, Natural Systems and the Economy
Guests: Mark Buchanan and Jeffrey Goldstein

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Aug 23 2013 Complexity Leadership and Communities of the Future
Guests: Daniel Pesut, Rick Smyre, Robin Cape

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Aug 9 2013 How Our Schools Can Inspire Emergence of Community Builders
Guests: Ward Mailliard and Lisa Kimball

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Jul 12 2013 Ecology of Leadership
Guests: David K Hurst and Felix Ankel

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Jun 28 2013 Is Murder Contagious?
Guests: April Zeoli and Caroline Nicholl

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Jun 14 2013 Immigrants to Canada and Networks Among Those Who Help Them
Guests: Chris Black, Liz Rykert, and Reluca Bejan

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May 24 2013 Conversation: The Art, the Practice and the Need
Guests: Maggie Breslin, Dan Pesut and Ron Smith

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May 10 2013 Managing Diversity: Integration and Meaning in Late 20th Century Philadelphia
Guests: Abigail Perkiss and Alan Barstow
138 downloads as of Oct 8 2014

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Apr 26 2013 Adaptive Action: Managing Today and Influencing Tomorrow
Guests: Glenda Eoyang, Royce Holladay and Denise Easton
199 downloads as of Oct 8 2014

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Apr 5 2013 The Microbes that Flourish in Hospital Air
Guests: Jessica Green, Nancy Iversen, Trish Silber and Debra Harris

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Mar 22 2013 Obesity in Dogs and Humans: A Complex Relationship
Guests: Kathleen Keil, Cindy Adams, and Melanie Rock

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Mar 8 2013 Space, Neighborhoods and Community
Guests: Ross Chapin, Peter Block and Ron Smith

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Feb 22 2013 Reality in Myth Glimpsed in Networks
Guests: Padraig MacCarron and June Holley

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Feb 8 2013 Visual Leaders: How They Think and What They Do
Guests: David Sibbet and Lisa Kimball

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Jan 11 2013 Bernie Madoff, a Calamity Cascade, and the Aftermath
Guests: Diana B. Henriques, Jules Muis and Sharon Benjamin

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