Over the past several months, Plexus Catalyst Mike Taylor engaged a diverse network of individuals, institutions and groups representing four continents and a variety of professional talents to support further development of our newest project “The Commons.”
The next step is to create the strategy for a feasibility study which will seek funding and the launch of a pilot. By engaging large groups of people in a self-organized process, The Commons platform will allow participants to see the direct impact of individual and collective choices on local and global health ecosystems/environments by leveraging digital interaction and open engagement.
The Commons Projecthas reached out to professionals from the social, environmental, game design, prevention, educational, organizational, finance and policy domains to share their experiences, build new relationships and develop viable components of this project. This is a multi-disciplinary effort and an opportunity for members of the Plexus Network to add their insight and expertise in a process that encourages “learning and creating” throughout the project.
Consider a few of our immediate initiatives:
- Craft the public message and outreach strategy.
- Select the common good resources whose consumption can be most effectively modeled and developed/proposed algorithms.
- Create the process for valuing a reduced consumption with digital currency (block-chain).
- Work on the web platform using a Distributed Autonomous Organization DAO stack for development.
- Any other decided by the group?
The zoom call will be Wednesday, September 19, at 10 am Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join on Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/338967237
If you are unable to join this call, a recording of it will be posted on the Plexus Project page (https://plexusinstitute.org/the-commons-project/) for you or others who may be interested in this global health project.
Share this event with your professional and social networks.