The complex topic of “value” in human systems is the focus of Chris Lawer’s current work at Umio where he explores the difficult-to-grasp and oft-debated concept of value, with a particular focus on health and care (eco)systems. Chris begins with the main theories of value that have emerged over two millennia of debate, and the two primary forms of value – exchange and use – which for more than two centuries, have underpinned the prevalent neo-classical economic view. He will describe how such a view of value has profoundly influenced how we understand, decide and act in health systems, and has shaped modern day care practices, services and technologies.  

Chris then outlines an alternative theory of value, which he calls the socio-ecological view. With examples, he shall then explain how this (eco)systemic perspective helps us to see, think and act differently to discover and realize new advanced forms of health value, as well as re-imagine health and care systems and practices.”  

Re-imagining Value in Health and Care
Presenter, Chris Lawer, CEO/ Founder, Umio

This brief video is an excellent primer for our conversation!