What’s Your Story?

Gathering and sharing stories is a human behavior both ancient and universal.  Our stories express our understanding even of the most complex situations; reflect our core values; and articulate our intentions for future action.

For more than 15 years, the Plexus Institute has been a leading source of learning about, and applying the understanding of complexity to community and business challenges around the world.  But like any living system, Plexus has a lifecycle that has evolved and changed over time. Even as ways of organizing and working from the past may fade, we are working together to envision and catalyze the emergence of the new. We want to explore the space of possibility together. We use the wisdom of our past, to help us envision our new future.

So, as we experiment with a new organizational structure and patterns of working together we have an opportunity to both share “stories” and explore the following questions with others in the network.

How does Plexus support your work and enable you to achieve better outcomes? How can Plexus help you to connect and collaborate with the people, knowledge, skills, and resources to enable your success?


Plexus Catalyst Bruce Waltuck is the host of the Plexus Pop-up series — ComPlexus Stories. Members of the network are invited to share their ComPlexus story (in ten minutes) as the starting point for an open discussion.  These stories will be recorded, archived, and available to others to hear. The first event can be viewed below and on the Plexus YouTube Channel.