Plexus Network, Meet #orgdna
Our ongoing conversation on complexity has new energy. Plexus Institute has partnered with DNA of Collaboration founder Chris Jones and #orgdna community to expand conversations on social complexity. #orgdna is a self-selecting community of #orgdev and #complexity thinkers exploring collaborative aspects of the organization since 2012.
As we encounter experiences that require new responses and ways of thinking to address complex structural and behavorial patterns in our working environments, traditional organizational practices routinely fall short of what’s needed. By recognizing and understanding social complexity as an increasingly influential part of all organizations and human systems we can encourage new methods of collaboration based on our evolving understanding of complex systems.
This new discussion will host content to fuel an on-going dialog and exchange of ideas, bringing the #orgdna and Plexus communities into a common thread of conversation. As thought leaders and practitioners, we’ll need our combined energy, as we learn how to navigate the opportunities and challenges of emerging complexity in our global ecosystems. For our first Twitter chat we’re discussing complexity in the “future of work”, with a Coggle roadmap as reference.
Join us on Saturday March 3oth, 2019 at 9-11a EDT 1-3p UTC. The conversation runs 2 hours. This is a #globalchat because when topics have a global impact, connecting with thinkers across the globe can be valuable. Accommodating other continents takes some planning, which has led to our Saturday slot, morning in the US, early afternoon in Europe. We’ll publish a link to the transcript after the conversation, so you can see what was shared, and follow-up on any threads you may have missed.
We plan to meet six times each year on 3rd or 4th Saturdays. All scheduled events will be listed on Plexus and #orgdna home page. Questions? Contact Denise Easton, Bruce Waltuck or Chris Jones for more information.
It starts on Twitter.
1. Nothing to sign-up for, all you’ll need is a Twitter account.
2. Login to Twitter at the appointed hour.
3. We recommend using a free streaming app like TweetDeck or TweetChat, searching on hashtag #orgdna; this let’s you can see the conversation in real time (note: your regular Twitter feed won’t show the latest tweets in chronological sequence by default; if you want to adjust this setting in Twitter, click the Profile icon, navigate to Settings & Privacy, then Content Preferences, and uncheck the box for “Show me best tweets first”).
4. Planned topics are shared on the Collaboration DNA home page as a flexible “framing post” to guide the discussion, with moderation by @collabdna and @plexusinstitute. but you’ll also see @dgeaston, @complexified and @sourcepov actively leading the dialog.
5. Everyone is welcome to join !!
6. Start by simply following along, to get a feel of the flow
7. Use Twitter’s RT (re-tweet) or like features to note tweets of interest
8. Add input to the conversation with your own tweets, making sure you include the hashtag #orgdna in the tweet itself, so the rest of us see them in the conversation.