Edgeplace.com was designed to acquaint health care leaders with complexity concepts and leadership principles, resources, and examples of the ideas in practice. Its development was supported by VHA Inc. and is now sponsored by Plexus Institute. Much of the content of Edgeplace.com is contained in the book Edgeware: Insights From Complexity Science for Health Care Leaders written by Brenda Zimmerman, Curt Lindberg and Paul Plsek.
This publication can be ordered online, click here to order. Orders for volume discounts and from bookstores should be directed to Curt Lindberg at Curt@Plexusinstitute.org.
Complexity Concepts & Leadership Principles for Health Care Leaders
About Edgeplace
Edgeplace.com is designed to acquaint health care leaders with complexity concepts, leadership principles, and practical examples of these ideas in action. Its development was supported by VHA Inc. and is now proudly sponsored by Plexus Institute.
Edgeware: Insights From Complexity Science for Health Care Leaders
Much of the content on Edgeplace.com is contained in the book Edgeware: Insights From Complexity Science for Health Care Leaders written by Brenda Zimmerman, Curt Lindberg, and Paul Plsek.
Gareth Morgan’s Five Major Misconceptions of Complexity
- Misconception #1: “Thank God I only have to do 15%!” – Simply doing 15% doesn’t let you off the hook. Find and focus on the 15% that truly makes a difference.
- Misconception #2: “It’s mere metaphor.” – Don’t dismiss the power of metaphor; metaphors shape meaning and drive significant change.
- Misconception #3: “Oh God! I forgot my specs!” – Minspecs aren’t rigid rules; they’re flexible guidelines used to set boundaries when needed.
- Misconception #4: “Oh I’ve got to go back and kick some buts!” – Focus on the key contradictions (“buts”) that block progress rather than trying to address every single one.
- Misconception #5: “This complexity stuff is great! I’m going back to apply it to everything I do!” – Recognize that complexity science is most effective in situations where clear-cut answers are elusive.
Tom Petzinger’s Live “Front Lines” Column
From Princeton, N.J.—Can health care save itself? Although the answer remains unknowable, the very questioning spurred innovative thinking. Nearly 200 health care professionals—nurses, doctors, administrators, and academics—gathered to explore how principles from complexity science can transform health care delivery.
Lessons from the Edge & Stories
Self-Organization & Leadership
Participants discovered that simply talking about complexity can lower organizational anxiety. Leaders are encouraged to move away from the “Omniscient CEO” myth and instead facilitate change by enabling self-organization. The focus is on finding that critical 15% leverage point that can nudge the entire organization into a new direction.
Innovation through Context
A slight change in context can transform perceptions and actions. For example, shifting the view of a leader from a rigid authority figure to a dynamic facilitator can open up new possibilities. This is where simple rules, or minspecs, become key attractors for change.
Stories of Change
From the case study of a university hospital’s integration of cancer services to examples in furniture manufacturing and hospital admissions, the stories shared highlight how small, strategic changes can lead to significant transformation. These narratives illustrate that innovation is not about overhauling everything at once, but about identifying and leveraging the most impactful elements.
Q&A with Complexity Experts
On Noise and Stability
Q: Would it be correct to say that systems with built-in randomness are more stable than systems without?
A (Ary Goldberger): Systems that can respond to random signals have an intrinsic ability to remain stable. The innate variability is key to maintaining equilibrium—even near the brink of extinction.
A (Bill Sulis): In some cases, low levels of noise facilitate better performance by preventing systems from locking into a single, predictable response.