Under Complexity:
Fostering Generative Relationships"
D. Lane and R. Maxfield
Long Range Planning, Vol. 29,
April, 1996, pp.215-231.
ABSTRACT - The authors
suggest a new conception of strategy in times when "the very structure of the
firms world is undergoing cascades of rapid change." They proffer that
"strategy in the face of complex foresight horizons should consist of an on-going set
of practices that interpret and construct relationships that comprise the world in which
the firm acts." The first practice is cognitive: "a firm "populates its
world" by positing who lives there and interpreting what they do." The second
practice is structural: "...the firm fosters generative relationships within and
across its boundaries -- relationships that produce new sources of value that cannot be
foreseen in advance."
Horizons |
Point: The process of strategy setting must relate to how far ahead the strategist can
foresee - the foresight horizon. |
Traditional notion of strategy -
pre-commitment to a particular course of action selected from among a set of alternatives
- is based on the assumption that a "firm knows enough about its world to specify
alternative courses of action and to foresee the consequences that will likely follow from
each of them." When this is the case the foresight horizon is called, by the authors,
This traditional approach to
strategy is falling into disfavor because foresight horizons are not always clear. The
authors describe two other foresight horizons - complicated and complex - and argue that
many organizations face a complex foresight horizon because they operate in a world which
is undergoing "cascades of rapid change"...characterized by "emergence,
perpetual novelty and ambiguity."
From the Rolm Story |
Points: Using a case study from ROLM , a California computer company which reshaped
the telecommunications industry, the authors derive lessons and implications for
organizations faced by complex foresight horizons. To gain a much deeper appreciation for
the concepts developed by Lane and Maxfield, the case study presented in the article will
help a great deal.
"The meaning that agents
(individuals, collections of people, firms jointly engaged in economic activity) give to
themselves, their products, their competitors, their customers, and all the relevant
others in their world determine their space of possible actions -- and, to a large extent,
how they act. In particular, the meaning that agents construct for themselves constitute
their identity: what they do, how they do it, with and to whom."
"Generative relationships
are the locus of attributional shifts."
"Structural change in the
agent/artifact space proceeds through a "bootstrap" dynamic: new generative
relationships induce attributional shifts that lead to actions which in turn generate
possibilities for new generative relationships."
"The "window of
predictability" for the attributional shifts and structural changes that characterize
complex foresight horizons are very short -- and virtually nonexistent outside the
particular generative relationship from which they emerge."
"The first requirement for
successful strategizing in the face of complex foresight horizons is to recognize them for
what they are. Failing to detect changes in the structure of agent/artifact space, or
interpreting the new structures through the lens of old attributions, are sure paths to
"Recognizing the existence
of structural instability is not enough: it is also necessary to realize that the complex
path through which some semblance of stability will eventually be attained is not
predictable a priori. It is not good strategizing to formulate and stick to a strategic
plan that is premised on a particular scenario about how a complex situation will play
itself out."
"Agents must engage in
ongoing interrogation of their attributions about themselves, other agents and the
artifacts around which their activity is oriented. They must develop practices that offset
the easy, but potentially very costly, tendency to treat interpretations as facts."
"Agents must monitor their
relationships to assess their potential for generativeness, and they must commit resources
to enhance the generative potential of key relationships. Fostering relationships is
especially important when foresight horizons are complex."
Strategy As
Control |
Key Points:
"Since outcomes (of strategy) depend on the interactions with and between many other
agents (inside and outside the firms boundaries), strategy really represents an
attempt to control a process of interactions, with the firms own intended
"lines of action" as control parameters. From this point of view, the essence of
strategy is control. How to achieve control, and how much is achievable, depend upon the
foresight horizon." |
"When the foresight horizon
is clear, it may be possible to anticipate the consequences of any possible course of
action...and to chart out a best course that takes account of all possible
"If foresight horizons are a
little more complicated, "adequate" can substitute for "best", without
surrendering the idea of control as top-down and predetermined. But as foresight horizons
become even more complicated, the strategist can no longer foresee enough to map out
courses of action that guarantee desired outcomes. Strategy must include provisions for
actively monitoring the world to discover unexpected consequences...At this point, control
is no longer just top-down: some control must be delegated to those who participated
directly in monitoring, for their judgments of what constitute unexpected consequences
trigger the adjustment mechanisms and thus affect the direction of future actions."
"The dynamics of structural
change associated with complex foresight horizons have a much more radical impact on the
meaning of control. Constructive positive feedback make a complete nonsense of top-down
control...In such situations, control is not so much delegated as it is distributed
throughout agent space. Then, the everyday way of talking about strategy can be very
misleading. For example, people usually talk about strategy as something this is
"set" by strategists. When control is distributed, it is more appropriate to
think of it as something that emerges from agent interactions...In contexts like this, the
relation between strategy and control is very different from the classical conception. It
is just not meaningful to interpret strategy as a plan to assert control. Rather, strategy
must be seen as a process to understand control: where it resides, and how it has been
exercised within each of its loci."
"Two kinds of strategic
practices are particularly important when foresight horizons are complex. Through the
first, agents seek to construct a representation of the structure of their world that can
serve them as a kind of road map on which to locate the effects of their actions. Through
the second, agents try to secure positions from which distributed control processes can
work to their benefit."
The World |
Key Points:
"When foresight horizons are complex, agents cannot take knowledge of their worlds
for granted. They need information, of course -- hence the strategic need for exploration
and experimentation. But information takes on meaning only through interpretation, and
interpretation starts with an ontology: who and what are the people and things that
constitute the agents world and how do they relate to one another? |
"When the structure of an
agents world is changing rapidly, unexamined assumptions are likely to be
out-of-date, and actions based on them ineffective. Hence the strategic need for practices
that help agents "populate" their world: that is, to identify, criticize and
reconstruct their attributions about who and what are there. These practices have to
happen in the context of discursive relationships, and so they will clearly consist in at
least in part of structured conversations."
Generative Relationships |
Key Points:
"Generative relationships may be the key to success and even survival in complex
foresight horizons, but fostering them poses two problems. First, how can agents decide
which relationships have generative potential? And second, once theyve determined
which relationships seem promising, how can they foster them?" |
"If the benefits that accrue
from a generative relationship are unforeseeable a priori, on what basis can an agent
decide for foster it?...While it may not be possible to foresee just what positive effects
a particular coupling might yield, it may nonetheless be possible to determine the
generative potential." Essential preconditions for generativeness include:
- aligned directedness: common, general direction
- heterogeneity: differences, diversity of ideas,
- mutual directedness: interest in ongoing,
recurring interaction
- permissions: implicit or explicit permission to
engage in explorations
- action opportunities: ability, willingness to
engage in joint action
Strategy Under Complexity |
Key Points:
"When agent/artifact space changes structure rapidly, foresight horizons get complex.
To succeed, even survive, in the face of rapid structural change, it is essential to make
sense out of what is happening and to act on the basis of that understanding. Since what
is happening results from the interactions between many agents, all responding to novel
situation with very different perceptions of what is going on, much of it is just
unpredictable a priori. Making sense means that interpretation is essential;
unpredictability requires ongoing reinterpretation. Hence our conclusion that the first
and most important strategic requirement in complex foresight horizons is the institution
of interpretive practices, which we have called populating the world, throughout the firm,
wherever there are agents that initiate and carry out interactions with other agents --
that is, at every locus of distributed control.
But of course making sense
isnt enough. Agents act -- and they act by interacting with other agents. In complex
foresight horizons, opportunities arise unexpectedly, and they do so in the context of
generative relationships. In this context, the most important actions that agents can take
are those that enhance the generative potential of the relationships into which they
enter. As a result, agents must monitor relationships for generativeness, and they must
learn to take actions that foster the relationships with the most generative potential.
Then, when new opportunities emerge from these relationships, agents must learn to set
aside prior expectations and plans and follow where the relationships lead. We call the
set of strategic practices through which agents accomplish these things fostering
generative relationships, and they constitute the second cornerstone of our conception of
strategy under complexity."