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The Heart of Complexity


Comments, Key Awarenesses and “Ah-Hah’s”
During the conference, participants posted these thoughts to the "Ah-hah" board:

On Patience, Flow and Relationships
"The best musicians are those who listen well."
"There's a disconnect between what the health care system provides and what the community wants."
"Our process and meaningful outcomes require PATIENCE. Setting the stage and expectations beforehand is critical."
"There must be space to promote information flow and connectiveness."
"You can't manage caring."
"We do not need to embrace complexity. We simply need to reveal it to ourselves."

It Matters How We Say It!
"Use this new language wisely!"
"The development of a common language that can be used by our faculty and our management is important."

Embrace Variability, Or Face Disease!
"We're changing how we assess individual health. We're not just looking to exclude disease, but to do a dynamical assay of the integrated function of the organism."
"In organizations (as in individuals) lack of disease is not necessarily health. In both, the creation and maintenance of health can be very different than treating disease."
"Organizations have diseases."
"The intensified pace of organizations (floods of e-mail and voice mail, quick decisions, etc.) is reducing variability within my day or week. There's a need to re-introduce peaks and valleys of pace."
"I should stop suppressing my natural irregularities."
"Why are Dardik's waves so symmetrical? It doesn't seem natural."
"Reduction in variation does not equate to health in the individual or the organization."
"Organizational leaders can't smooth out all of the wrinkles. They need to have a tolerance for some organizational wrinkling."

Organizational Applications
"How do we get the doctors to be involved in the process?"
"If variability and complexity decrease with age, should the organization target turnover to maintain a mix of age diversity to encourage the growth of fractals, versus management layers?"
"Flat organization may be unhealthy; Hierarchy has its place."
"An organizational tree, not an organizational chart (linear-based.)"
"I want to play with the idea of nested hierarchies as a means to promote organizational adaptability."

"The paradoxes of life: Complexity and entropy; Variation and predictability; Order and chaos; Life and death; Love and hate. Why would we ever think that God would create a simple universe?"
"Nonlinear dynamics — counterintuitive to whom?"
"An Ah-Hah from the jazz group: The idea of collective individuality."

Complexity as a lens
"Complexity is a perspective, not a program."
"Don't minimize linear approaches when they are the best solution. Beware of the overly non-linear lens!"
"Complexity theory is a 3rd discipline in that it melds science and intuition to create or open up a new and different framework for knowing, understanding, interacting and growing."

The Spiritual Dimension
"How does wisdom of Eastern philosophy inform superwaves? (All things — waves? — in moderation.)"
"For complexity science to sustain and really make adifference, it must incorporate the spiritual, with no mathematical dimension. Must move beyond the more complex science base."


"Love is all you need."
"With age, our minds may be more able to 'hear' our internal music. Strive for 'health' in a different sense -- understand our internal balance and connectivity."

Linearity & Nonlinearity Tension in Organization
"The regulated health care environment lends itself to rigidity rather than spontaneity or irregularity. Too much focus on CAHM standards and various regulation seems to be the antithesis of complexity. Ah Hah!: The paradox is that these things actually make the environment more complex!"
"Board thinks/wants the organization to be (it seems) a linear system, very predictable. Management is charged with overseeing a non-linear organization."

Health: A New Definition?
"A new definition of health: poised for maximum adaptability."
"Care is access and connection to nonlinear, complex systems."
"What is the role of death in a healthy system?"
"It seems to me that complexity ideas have a lot to do with reconnecting with our basic biological selves. Maximum health may be as simple as relearning how to get in touch with the rhythms and patterns in nature."
"Story telling (and dance and art, for that matter) as a means of expressing complex ideas are as old as human language and society. How much have we lost in a world driven 'by the numbers'?"
"Does complexity theory help to explain the Placebo Effect? I.e., a body self-organizing to fight disease?"
"The idea of knowing when to disconnect is key to remaining healthy in a complex environment."
"Question: How do we use superwave theory to improve health?"

Pattern: It’s There
"There is hidden information in noise."
"We must look at patterns over time."
"We need to spend less effort collecting and reporting the data... and much more time understanding, modeling and interpreting it."
"Spend more time on the story rather than data collection."
"Small events and great catastrophes alike emanate from the same causes."

"It took a while for me to figure out what the purpose of this talk was. Luckily, the talk wasn't right after lunch, or the diverse snores could have disrupted a complex ecosystem of the meeting and its environment, causing global warming and a prolonged NBA strike."

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